Hello everyone and welcome to my hotglue page!
My name is Robin and I'm twenty four years old. I was born in the city The Hague where I still live today. I'm the eldest one in the family and have two younger sisters.
The study I follow at the moment is called social studies teacher. Which means that once I'm done with my study I'm able to teach at high schools. The city I study in is Rotterdam. I follow my study at the Hoge school van Rotterdam.
On this page you can read about some of the homework assignments I made. These are all about personal things such as, backgrounds, feminism or community's. With this page I would like to show people who I am and what I'm learning from my minor.

This year is my final school year and hopefully I can graduate. For my final year I had to choose a minor. The minor I chose is cultural diversity. When I chose this minor I was hoping to learn more about myself and the way I see or think about things when it comes to cultural diversity. By learning more through my minor about cultural diversity, I'm hoping to take these experiences in my classroom and teach my students more about it.
Week 39 Assignment 2: A drawing and a quote
For this weeks assignment I had multiple options to choose from. I made the decision to do a drawing and a quote. On my Ipad I made a drawing of the Indonesian and Dutch flags. Both flags represent my background. From my moms side my grandmother comes from Indonesia. So that means that I have Indonesian blood. The quote says: Brave woman are not born from comfort zones. They are made in the fire. The reason why I picked this quote and the flags is because this is a part of my background. I think every person carries an invisible backpack with them filled with stories that made them a stronger or better person. My grandmother is one of the most powerful women I know and I have much love and respect for her. My grandmother has been in some very unfortunate situations who made her the strong women she is today. She always taught us that when things get rough you just keep your head up, look straight forward and keep going. My grandmother taught us a lot of wisdom and I'm very greatfull for that. I'm very proud of her and my Indonesian roots.
Week 40 Assignment 3: Moodboard
Week 38 Assignment 1: Collected material
A piece of design/work made by a black queer person: For this question I used the internet and found Mykki Blanco an rapper, artist, poet and activist. Since the year 2019 Mykki Blanco uses the pronouns she or they and identifies themselves as transgender. Mykki Blanco is known for breaking stereotypes, taboos and bias in their work. As an example I picked one of their most listened songs on spotify called Wish You Would. In this song she raps about themselves and that she does not care what people think of her.
B a piece of design/work made by a public/community or doesn't have a clear author: For the last two years in The Hague there has been a lot of art work on buildings, trainstations, electricity houses, walls etc. The artists never sign their work which has made a lot of people speculate about the reasoning and the intentions behind the art pieces. Because I live in The Hague myself I always see these artworks in almost every street. For this assignment I wanted to find out why there are so many artworks. I found out that the township is behind all of this. The artworks are kind of a clearance project. By making these colourfull pieces the city gets a brighter look and gives the townships time to counteract against graffiti and neglected places.
C made by a minority in the country in which you live (or grew up in) (this could be you): I had to think for some time when I read this question. I wasn't really sure what I could show you. In the end I picked one of my favorite books. It is a very short small book called: De Indische tantes. De Indische tantes is a story about elderly Indonesian women who live in the Netherlands after they fled Indonesia when the second world war was over. In this book you can read short story's about them and what they did in their daily life in the Netherlands. This book reminds me very much of my grandmother. She is also an Indonesian women who came to live in the Netherlands after the second world war. The things the women in the book say and the way they act is almost as if I'm reading about my grandmother. She acts in exactly the same way. This book makes me laugh and shows a bit of my background culture.
D that is made by somebody who is not able-bodied: When I read this question I didn't know if I had any knowledge about disabled artists. Then I remembered that there was this video of an autistic man drawing the New York city skyline. The story behind this is quite special because this artist draws from his memory. Stephen Wiltshire is an autistic artist who is from London. For this artwork Stephen flew over New York in a helicopter for twenty minutes. While he is flying he listens to music because it helps him with the proces. He makes his art work all from his memory and he starts with using a pencil to sketch. When he is done he only uses a graphic pen to finish his artwork.
E a memory, memorabilia, family, personal (draw a picture or write a description of): In the introduction I mentioned that I am the eldest of one of the three daughters my parents have. So that means that our household at home is only girls girls girls! Since I was little my dad always used to tell me that everything a men can do, a women can do ten times better. For as long as I can remember I have always been surrounded by more women then men. That is probally because we have more women in the family then men. The reason why I picked the song ''I'm every women'' is for two reasons. The first reason is that my dad always gave me the feeling that women are on top of the world and that you can do anything. The second reason is that every time we have a party or celebration at my home there is always one moment that this song comes on and when it does, every single women that is at the party starts dancing and singing this song. It gives me a feeling of being strong together and that we can conquer the world whenever we want.
For this assignment I decided to create multiple moodboards that can show you more about myself. I chose to show you that I have a Dutch and Indonesian background. I have created a mood-board in the style that I personally like most and think suits me best. I also created a mood-board about feminism. I was raised with a feminist mindset and it means a lot to me. The final mood-board is about the city that I am from, The Hague. I have grown up there, made memories and if it is up to me, I never plan to leave.
On the left picture you can see my grandmother with my sister Meghan. On the right picture you can see my grandmother with my mother.
An example of all the women in my family.
The first picture is a picture of myself. In the second picture, you can see me with my sisters, my dad and my sisters boyfriend. The third picture is a picture of me with my mom and my sisters. The last picture is a picture of me and my boyfriend.
Group project
For this group project we had a lot of different idea's. The subject of our group is inclusivity. Because inclusivity is a very big subject it is sometimes hard to narrow it down and decide what kind of project we were going to build around it. In the end our group decided to make posters about subjects that are include in inclusivity. I really like the idea of our posters and I was happy that I could design two of them. I made a poster about the subject sexuality and gender. Our group self is a very nice group to work with. Pascal, Shiroj and I already know each other and the way we work. Having Melroy in our group is a refreshment and a new influence is very interesting. I'm very proud of our work on the posers.
Week 40: Presentation
This week we had a presentation about our group project. We had the idea of making a cookbook. Everyone picks a subject and a certain dish that fits with your subject. I'm going to pick Dutch Indonesian as a subject and, as a dish I will pick home made sate. I'm going to tell more about the background of the Dutch- Indonesian and the culture that is getting smaller and is dying out.
On the outside people always tell me that I look like a typical Dutch person. The blonde hair and light eyes always makes people think that I also take part in all of the stereotypical things that Dutch people apperently do. Such as splitting every bill for (ironically named ''going Dutch''). With this Hot glue page I want to show that there is much more than the eye can see. From my moms side I have a grandmother from Indonesia. She taught me a lot about the culture, food and spirituality. At home I grew up in a household with only girls and my dad. My dad was always in the minority which he never saw as a bad thing. Except when we all would go out for dinner and he was done in 5 minutes and the rest of us took an hour to get ready.... My dad always supported me and showed me what real girlpower is and I'm very greatfull for that. This page is going to be about me and learning more about myself and the way I act and look about thing that I'm learning threw my minor.